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What is a Clubhouse?A Clubhouse is an opportunity centre where you can build skills, relationships, self-esteem and self-confidence by participating in the running of the operations of the clubhouse. Potential Place is one of over 340 Clubhouses worldwide and we are part of Clubhouse International. To get a deeper understanding of the Clubhouse model, please watch this short video from Clubhouse International:
How Do I Become a Member?Membership is open to anyone with a history of mental illness. Call 403-216-9250 and we will be pleased to book a tour of Potential Place. The second step is an Orientation -usually a few days or a week after the tour. Finally there is a third step which is a formal Intake – usually a few days after the orientation. Once you are a member you can come to the Clubhouse whenever you want to. Our buddy system makes it easy for members to join our community and feel comfortable with their new friends and surroundings. Also, your membership at Potential Place is acknowledged at Clubhouses worldwide. Please do not drop in without booking a tour. It’s not that we don’t want to see you, we just want you to be able to answer your questions and give you the introduction you deserve.
How Many Members Are at the Clubhouse?We have over 2,400 members at our clubhouse. We see and work with about 35 members each day. We operate on a walk-in basis and membership is voluntary and without time limits. This allows members to access our services and re enter at any point of their mental health recovery journey.
Why a Tour?We believe that you must make an informed choice about volunteering to become a member of our community. A tour will help you see the differences between Clubhouse and other mental illness programs. We also want to know a little about you. Please, come and meet us!
How Do I Know if Potential Place is a Good Fit for Me?Only you can decide if Potential Place will be a good fit for you. But, we can say with confidence that if you come to Potential Place and participate in our programs that your life and trajectory of your recovery will improve.
Who Comes to Potential Place?Our community is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who has a history of mental illness.
Can I Bring My Work or Family Member to the Tour, Orientation and Intake?We encourage you to bring any support person, whether it be a family member or a health worker- all are welcome to join you in the Tour, Orientation and Intake process.
Do you Offer Counseling?No. However, we assist with access and referrals to quality medical, psychological, pharmacological and substance abuse services in the Calgary community.
What is the Work-Ordered-Day?The work-ordered day engages members and staff together, side-by-side, in the running of the Clubhouse. Members have the opportunity to participate in all the work of the Clubhouse, including administration, research, enrollment and orientation, reach out, café, marketing, advocacy, public relations, training and evaluation of staff and Clubhouse effectiveness.
What Does Advocacy Look Like at Potential Place?We advocate for your entitlements including financial, legal, employment, housing and education.
How Do I Become a Resident with Potential Place’s Housing?Housing Applications are processed through Alberta Health Services. Potential Place Housing staff can assist with this process. Potential Place advocates for member tenancy through our partnerships with other affordable housing providers in Calgary.
Does Potential Place Support a Member’s Educational Goals?Yes, we do! Within annual limits, we provide some funding for personal interest courses, GED upgrading, vocational courses and diploma courses. We also provide a study space, mentorship from staff and members, and computers that members can use for schooling purposes.
Does Potential Place Assist with Obtaining Employment?Yes! We have a continuum of employment options from transitional part time work, to supported employment and independent employment. The following video may give you a better idea of how our employment program works:
Does Potential Place Accept Practicum Placements?Yes. We accept social work, occupational therapists, and other related practicum students. This process is typically coordinated through postsecondary institutions.
Does Potential Place Have Social Recreation Programs?Yes! We have social recreation programs on Friday evenings, Saturdays, and every statutory holiday (except Easter Sunday). For young adults aged 18-30, we have age-appropriate social recreation on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Young adults can also participate in all of our social recreation events on the other days we hold social recreation activities.
What is the Cost of Social Recreation Activities for Members?For events incurring a non-food related cost – Potential Place will pay up to $10 toward the cost of the event. The remaining cost of the event will be the responsibility of members. For events incurring a cost, members are responsible for 100% of the cost of any food or drink items. Food related social recreation events (i.e. bubble tea, Boston Pizza, ice cream) Potential Place will pay up to $10 toward the cost of food. Purchases under $20 will be reimbursed at 50% and purchases over $20 will be reimbursed at $10.
What is the Eligibility and Cost?Membership is free and without time limits. Potential Place works with and supports anyone over the age of 18+ who has a history of mental illness. Healthy lunches prepared by members and staff cost $3.50. Inexpensive beverages and snacks are also available for purchase at our bistro.
How is Potential Place Funded?Potential Place is funded by Alberta Health Services, rent revenues from our Housing, and from grants and donations.
How Can I Donate?Donations can be made by cheque payable to Potential Place Society and mailed to Potential Place Society, Suite 210, -308 11th Ave SE Calgary T2G 0Y2. Alternatively, you can donate by Credit Card by calling Navi Sahota at 403-216-9250. We thank you for your generous donations!
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